BIG Multi Wrap
一眼レフカメラやレンズ、iPad、携帯ゲーム機、PC(13インチ程度まで)など、日常で持ち運ぶ大切なアイテムをやさしく守る「MOUTH ビッグマルチラップ」。軽量かつコンパクトなデザインで、バッグのスペースを無駄にせず、必要な時にサッと取り出せるのが魅力です。インナーケースやパソコンスリーブなどが必要ない場面でも、マジックテープで簡単に包み込み、衝撃や傷から保護。裏地の鮮やかなカラーもスタイリッシュで、カメラやガジェットを包む際に楽しいアクセントを加えます。カメラバッグの代用としても、気軽に使える万能アイテムです。
Size / Spec
- Material:ポリエステル(表地)、ナイロン(裏地)
- Size:横幅 約450mm×縦幅 約450mm×厚さ 約5mm /重量 約75g
- Country:Made in China(中国製)
Color variations
BIG Multi Wrap
"Wrap it up and put it in your bag, large size"
This multi-wrap is one size larger than the MOUTH multi-wrap, which gently protects important items such as small cameras, lenses, iPads, portable game consoles, and PCs (up to 13 inches). It's not enough to have an inner case, but it's a very convenient item that you can use on a daily basis by wrapping it with Velcro on days when you want to protect your precious belongings or when your bag is small. It is an excellent item that can be used as a camera case or lens pouch. The bright lining color that is highly visible is also a highlight. *This is a model that does not use wire.
Size / Spec
- Material: Polyester (outer material), nylon (lining)
- Size: Width approx. 450mm x Height approx. 450mm x Thickness approx. 5mm / Weight approx. 75g
- Country: Made in China