Delicious Mark-1
国産ライン"デリシャスコレクション"第一弾、初作となる「Delicious Mark-1」(デリシャスマークワン)。定番アイテムMSB09012をベースに日本の素材を使い日本の工場で生産されたデリシャスシリーズを代表する純国産ショルダーバッグ。男女問わず使いやすいサイズと飽きのこないシンプルな素材で普段のバッグとしてだけでなく、専用設計カメラインナーケースを使えばおしゃれなカメラバッグとしても最適なショルダーバッグです。国産帆布は使うほどに柔らかくなり、リアルレザーパーツの色味や傷痕が濃くなり、経年変化とともに深みが増していきます。「思い出とともに刻むと、なお愛おしい。」「育てるから愛おしい、私だけのカメラバッグ。」違いが分かる大人のカメラバッグがデリシャスマークワンです。使えば使うほどレトロ感が増し自分色に少しずつ染まる・・・魅力的なMOUTH日本製バッグの品質を是非ご体感ください。
Delicious collection / デリシャス コレクション

Size / Spec
- Material:国産8号帆布(表地)、コーデュラナイロン(表地)※CAMOカラーのみ、レザー(牛革)、国産防水機能ESターポリン(裏地)
- Size:底辺幅 約300mm×高さ 約175mm×奥行 約125mm /ショルダーストラップ長さ 約610-1100mm /重量 約670g /容量 約6.5L
- Country:Made in JAPAN(日本製)
Delicious Mark-1
“Camera bag for adults who know the difference”
Delicious Mark-1, the first product of the domestic line "Delicious Collection". A purely domestic shoulder bag representative of the Delicious series, based on the standard item MSB09012 and produced in a Japanese factory using Japanese materials. With a size that is easy to use for both men and women, and a simple material that you will never get tired of, this shoulder bag is perfect not only as an everyday bag, but also as a stylish camera bag if you use the specially designed camera inner case. The more you use domestic canvas, the softer it becomes, and the color and scars on the real leather parts become darker and deepen with age. ``It's even more adorable when you engrave it with memories.'' ``It's my own camera bag that I love because I grow it.'' Delicious Mark One is a camera bag for adults who can tell the difference. The more you use it, the more retro it becomes, and the more you use it, the more it becomes your own color... Experience the quality of the attractive MOUTH Japanese bags.
Delicious collection / Delicious collection
This bag is made in Japan and utilizes materials that can be procured in Japan. The "Delicious Collection" embodies the spirit of Japanese quality, technology, and craftsmanship woven by Mouse and bag craftsmen.

Size / Spec
- Material: Domestic No. 8 canvas (outer material), Cordura nylon (outer material) *CAMO color only, leather (cowhide), domestic waterproof ES tarpaulin (lining)
- Size: Base width approx. 300mm x Height approx. 175mm x Depth approx. 125mm / Shoulder strap length approx. 610-1100mm / Weight approx. 670g / Capacity approx. 6.5L
- Country: Made in JAPAN